Monday, December 5, 2011

DPM console crashes on Recovery Tap

One of our customers ran in to the problem that the DPM Console Kept on crashing when selecting the recovery Tab in the DPM console.


Error data

Description:AppName: mmc AppVer: xxxxx ModName: mmc.exe
ModVer: 6.1.7600.16385 StackHash: F36A6DFE
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: DPMException
Application Name: mmc
Application Version: xxxxxxxx
Module Name: mmc.exe
Module Version: 6.1.7600.16385
Exception Name: System.ArgumentException
Exception Point: System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException
Other: F36A6DFE
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033

Check for duplicate servers in database
The error could be caused by duplicated names of Protected servers in Your DPM database.

Best way to check this is by running a query against the DPMDB.

The query: Select ServerName, Domainname from dbo.tbl_AM_Server
returns an overview of all protected servers in the database. It could be that servers are duplicate in the database with their NETBIOS and their FQDN.
If there are any duplicates you should stop protection for these servers and re-add them to DPM. This should resolve the issue with the crashing DPM console

DPM log error and event log error below

Friday, December 2, 2011

Volsnap Bluescreen on DPM Server

You might run in to the situation that you DPM 2010 server has a BSOD now and then. If this case you should check the stop error that is returned.


Check if the following Stop errors is returned when you create a snapshot of a volume:

STOP: 0x0000007E (parameter1, parameter2, parameter3, parameter4)
Stop 0x00000050 (parameter1 , parameter2 , parameter3 , parameter4 )

You may experience this issue after you enable shadow copy functionality on a volume that is configured with a secondary Data Protection Manager (DPM) server for backup.

Hot Fix available
Microsoft has released a Hotfix for this issue.

This applies to

  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

DPM agent versions

DPM 2010

DPM 2010 3.0.7696.0
DPM 2010 role-up 1 (KB2250444) 3.0.7706.00
DPM 2010 role-up 2 (KB2465832) 3.0.7707.0

DPM 2007

DPM 2007 SP0 - 2.0.5820.0
DPM 2007 SP1 - 2.0.8793.0
DPM 2007 SP1 (with KB 968579) 2.0.8836.0
DPM 2007 SP1 (with KB970867) 2.0.8840.0
DPM 2007 SP1 (with KB970867 Revision: 1.0) 2.0.8851.0
DPM 2007 SP1 (with KB979970 ) 2.0.8864

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

DPM/SQL Performance

DPM is largely depending on its SQL database. All settings, jobs and recovery information is hold in the DPM database.
When the DPM database has performance issues then this will also impact the performance of the DPM console.
One of the possible performance issue are fragmented Indexes in your database.

The Report Index Physical Statistics show the status of the fragmentation


Rebuild indexes
When the indexes are heavily fragmented then you need to rebuild them. You can do that by hand, but that’s a ‘hell of a job’.

Therefor I use the script below which will rebuild every index existed in database with fillfactor of 80.

DECLARE @fillfactor INT
SET @fillfactor = 80
SELECT OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME([object_id])+'.'+name AS TableName
FROM sys.tables
OPEN TableCursor
FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @TableName
SET @sql = 'ALTER INDEX ALL ON ' + @TableName + ' REBUILD WITH (FILLFACTOR = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(3),@fillfactor) + ')'
EXEC (@sql)
FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @TableName
CLOSE TableCursor

(Source: \

Monday, November 21, 2011

BMR include or Exclude drives

The Bare Metal Recovery (BMR) option in DPM 2010 allows you to recover servers from an image file. BMR is actually an option build in to Windows 2008 (R2) which can be utilized by DPM 2010.

By default the BMR will protect the “critical system data” According to the Microsoft definition –> critical data =  System State and C drive and all other drivers that contain system data directories (Program files).

Check what is includes:

  • logon to the protected server
  • Open the Windows Server Backup Feature
  • Select Action  - Backup ones

Select Different options

Select Custom

Click on Bare Metal Recover and check which other volumes are automatically selected.

Modify Drives included
Now you can choose to modify the BMR selection. This can be done by editing the file named Bmrbackup.cmd.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Self service Recovery for SQL Cluster

When enabling self service recovery for an Instance on a SQL Cluster you might run into the following error.


The specified SQL instance … is invalid or cannot be found (ID 32608).
If a SQL instance exists with the specified name, use Get-Datasource –ProductionServer <ProductionServer> –Inquire cmdlet to refresh the information. Then retry the Operation.

SQL instances of a Cluster need to be added in a special way.
The convention is: FQDN of the Resource\SQLVirtualname\SQLInstance

FQDN resource = (blackberry)
SQLVirtualname= C265
Instance name – BLACKBERRY


In the example above you need to specify the following SQL Server Instance: (Blackberry)\C265\BLACKBERRY


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

ID 7: Unable to connect to the Active Directory Domain Services

During the deployment or the attaching of agents you might run in to the error below.

Unable to connect to the Active Directory Domain Services database.

Make sure that the DPM server is a member of a domain and that a domain controller is running. Also verify that there is network connectivity between the DPM server and the domain controller.

ID: 7 Details: Unknown error (0x80005000) (0x80005000)

There is a knowledge database article for a issue like this:

Resolution for Error ID: 7
To resolve this error, change the Authenticated Users group so that it has read permissions for the organizational unit that the target server is a member of. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. On the domain controller, open the Active Directory Users and Computers MMC.
  2. Right-click the organizational unit that contains the target server, and then click Properties.
  3. On the Security tab, add the Authenticated Users group and give them READ permissions.
  4. Redeploy the DPM protection agent to the protected server

Alternative cause to this issue

The error code Unknown error (0x80005000) (0x80005000) points to another cause.

In this case the issue was caused by a slash in the OU Name the  The target machine to install the DPM agent on was in an OU named "DR/ test Servers."  DPM doesn't understand special characters in active directory, so the / was what tripped it up.  When you rename the OU, you should be y able to install the agent. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Remove Tape from DPM database

When the data on a tape has expired it will show in the Tape Management Report as Tapes due online in the next x weeks.


When you do not add the tape back in the library the tape will eventually show up as over due Tapes.


There might be a situation where you are unable or unwilling to place the tape back in the library. For instance when the tape is broke, has been in the cycles for to long or the tape is even lost. In these cases you don’t want the tape to show up in report each week.

The procedure below (written by Mike Jacquet from Microsoft ) shows how to remove tapes from the Tape Management Report.

To remove a tape media from the over due tape report, you can run a SQL script to remove the media from the DPM database.

To run the script, perform the following steps:

1)  Open the DPM console and under the reporting tab, double-click the "tape management" report and select the number of weeks you want a report for (up to 4 weeks).
2)  Once the report opens- go to the page that list Over Due Tapes.
3)  Make a note of the "Tape labels"  for the tapes you want to remove from the DPM database so they will no longer show up on the report.

4) Make a backup of the DPMDB Sql database before proceeding using the following command:

     DPMBACKUP -db (The database will be saved in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft DPM\DPM\Volumes\ShadowCopy\Database Backups folder.

5) Open SQL Enterprise manager and connect to the Server_name\$MSDPM2010 instance.

6) Under DATABASES - Highlight the DPMDB entry - then click on "NEW QUERY" button.
7)  Copy / paste the following SQL script into the new query window.

---------- START COPY HERE -------------

-- overdue tapes
-- for clarity, set up the parameter as a variable
declare @paramTapeLabel as nvarchar(256)
set @paramTapeLabel = N'SAMPLE_TAPE_LABEL_NAME'

-- keys
declare @vMediaId as guid
declare @vGlobalMediaId as guid

-- if the delete gives trouble, add keyset after cursor
declare cur_label cursor
for select MediaId, GlobalMediaId
from tbl_MM_Media
where label = @paramTapeLabel;

open cur_label
while (0 = 0)
fetch next from cur_label into @vMediaId, @vGlobalMediaId
-- test for being done
if @@fetch_status <> 0 break;

print 'Deleting MediaId = ' + cast(@vMediaId as varchar(36))
-- do a set of deletes atomically
begin transaction;
delete from tbl_MM_TapeArchiveMedia
  where MediaId = @vMediaId;

delete from tbl_MM_MediaMap
  where MediaId = @vMediaId;

delete from tbl_MM_ArchiveMedia
  where MediaId = @vMediaId;

delete from tbl_MM_Global_ArchiveMedia
  where MediaId = @vGlobalMediaId;

delete from tbl_MM_Global_Media
  where MediaId = @vGlobalMediaId;

delete from tbl_MM_Media
  where current of cur_label;

commit transaction;

close cur_label
deallocate cur_label

-------------- END COPY HERE ----------------------

8)  replace the tape label name parameter in the script with the name of the tape label from the over due tape report that you want to delete.
        set @paramTapeLabel = N'SAMPLE_TAPE_LABEL_NAME'      <--- replace tape label between the single quotes ' '

9) Execute the SQL script.

10)  Repeat steps 8. and 9. for each tape label that you want to delete.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

DPMbackup Invalid command -db.

The DPMbackup.exe command is a very useful tool to make a copy of your DPM database to a disk location. Using this copy you can easily recover from a corrupt database.

For our customers a use a scheduled task to make a dump of the DPM to disk on a daily bases. It has saved me from a full reinstall more then ones.

The issue I run in to is that the command DPMbackup –DB works perfectly from the command prompt, but when I use it in a script it gives me the following eror  {Error: Invalid command –db.}

In my case it worked to specify the instance name as well. Like: DpmBackup.exe -db -instanceName MSDPM2010

Full Script

@Echo off
SET LOGFILE="E:\Backup_folder\SQL Daily Backup\DPMSQLBACKUP.LOG"
SET backupfile="C:\Program Files\Microsoft DPM\DPM\Volumes\ShadowCopy\Database Backups\DPMDB.bak"
SET backuppath="E:\Backup_folder\SQL Daily Backup\"

for /f "tokens=2,3,4 " %%x in ("%date%") do set dstamp=%%z%%y%%x
for /f "tokens=1,2,3 " %%x in ("%time%") do set tstamp=%%x%%y%%z

ECHO ===================================================================>> %LOGFILE%
ECHO %dstamp% - %tstamp% >> %LOGFILE%
ECHO ===================================================================>> %LOGFILE%
DpmBackup.exe -db -instanceName MSDPM2010 >> %LOGFILE%
if not exist %backupfile% goto NOTEXIST
IF Exist %backuppath%\DPMDB_05.* del %backuppath%\DPMDB_05.*
IF Exist %backuppath%\DPMDB_04.* ren %backuppath%\DPMDB_04.* DPMDB_05.*
IF Exist %backuppath%\DPMDB_03.* ren %backuppath%\DPMDB_03.* DPMDB_04.*
IF Exist %backuppath%\DPMDB_02.* ren %backuppath%\DPMDB_02.* DPMDB_03.*
IF Exist %backuppath%\DPMDB_01.* ren %backuppath%\DPMDB_01.* DPMDB_02.*
IF Exist %backuppath%\DPMDB.* ren %backuppath%\DPMDB.* DPMDB_01.*

copy %backupfile% %backuppath% /Y >> %LOGFILE%

ECHO DPMSQL DB BACKUP does not exist!!! >> %LOGFILE%

ECHO ===================================================================>> %LOGFILE%

Six copies will remain on this location. DPMDB.bak is the most recent DPM SQL Backup and DPMDB_05.bak is the oldest backup file.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Instant recovery of Hyper-V and other DPM data

Another post from my CFIT colleague Marcel van den Berg. This time about dBeamerDPM an add-on for DPM that allows IT administrators to achieve a Recovery Time Objective (RTO) of near zero by an instantly recovery  from a Microsoft Data Protection Manager (DPM). Other usage cases for dBeamerDPM are instant setup of a test environment.

For more info read his post Instant recovery of Hyper-V virtual machines and other DPM data


Monday, January 10, 2011

DPM End User Recovery–Recap

In my experience most restore requests are from users that accidentally deleted a file or replaced a good copy of a file by a bad copy. For a backup administrator this is a time consuming business. Wouldn’t it be nice if users could take care of these restores themself.
DPM allows users to restore their own files from the file server without the help of the backup administrator. This option is called End User Recovery (EUR)
Enabling users to recover previous versions of documents isn’t totally new – actually it is part of the technology build in to Windows 2003, called Shadow copy of shared folders.
The big difference is that that the copies no longer need to be stored on the file server itself, but that users are redirected to the DPM server. The beauty of this all is that it is totally transparent to the users. Users can restore copies of their own files for as long as you configured short-term disk protection.

How to enable EUR for DPM



For EUR is a schema change required.
Make sure your account has the correct premisisons.

Domain admin + Schema admin permissions

To install the necessary Schema extension log onto the Domain Controller that holds the Schema master role and then create a drive mapping to the DPM installation directory on the DPM server, C:\program files\Microsoft DPM\DPM\End User Recovery, and run the DPMADSchemaExtension.exe.


Click on run.


Click yes, to start the Schema extension.


Enter the DPM server name

Note: this is not the FQDN name of the server, but just the server name.


Enter your domain name.

This is the domain the DPM resides in. This should be the FQDN


This field can be left blank if the DPM server is in the same domain as the File server that you want to protect


Click OK.


Click OK.


Logon to the DPM server and Select Configure end user recovery.

The Active Directory button should be greyed out now.


EUR will be available to users after the next synchronization.


Set-up DPM protection Group

The Retention Range and the File Recovery Point are important values when you set-up the Protection group for the file server.

The Retention Range Value specifies how long versions of the users files are available for recovery.

The File Recovery Point value specifies how many versions per day are created. Only when the file has been changed a new version is created.


The Client
Windows Vista and Windows 7 Clients have the building functionality to use the DPM EUR as there prvious version point. For Windows XP clients to use End User Recovery a hotfix should be installed KB895536 describes the needed hotfix for the Shadow copy (Timewarp) client. Please also take a look at KB941133


The result is that users can choose to restore one of the previous versions of the document direct from their Explorer interface.


In a DFS namespace, links can have multiple targets that contain replicated data. The file recovered by an end user may not be the expected file version, if you protect multiple DFS targets.

For example, the DFS namespace \\public\apps can connect users to the actual targets of \\public1\apps or \\public2\apps. If both targets are protected by DPM and the user attempts to recover a file from the DFS link, the Shadow Copy Client will display the shadow copy of the file from the first available protected target. If the targets are not synchronized at the time that the shadow copy is created, the user may recover an incorrect version of the file.

When you protect only one target of a DFS link and a user attempts to recover a file, the Shadow Copy Client will check the targets of the DFS link and connect the user to the protected target rather than the first available target.
(Taken from:

Schema Change drill down
The DPMADSchemaExtension tool performs the following tasks to support end-user recovery:

  • Extends the schema
  • Creates a container (MS-ShareMapConfiguration)
  • Grants the DPM server permissions to change the contents of the container
  • Adds mappings between source shares and shares on the replicas

With ADSI you can check the attributes added by DPM.


(Taken form:

Limit Previous version Client
The previous version client can be very helpful to users and Administrators. But there is also the risk that users overwrite files that they should have.

To limit the risk you can restrict who has the ability to restore using a Group Policy or restrict to make a copy of a file and not overwrite.

Disable restore Button 
This functionality prevents a client from overwriting the current version of a file with an earlier version of the file. The client can only copy the earlier version of a file to an alternative location.
To do this, type either of the following commands at the command prompt, and then press ENTER

REG ADD HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer /v NoPreviousVersionsRestore /t REG_DWORD /d 1
REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer /v NoPreviousVersionsRestore /t REG_DWORD /d 1

You can add the DWORD registry entry as part of a user's logon script.

We recommend that you add the DWORD entry to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subkey. We recommend this for the following reasons:
• The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subkey is not overwritten by policy updates.
• The HKEY_CURRENT_USER subkey can be written to by logon scripts that are using nonadministrator permissions.

Disable the Previous Versions tab
To disable the Previous Versions tab on individual client computers, follow these steps:
Type either of the following commands at the command prompt, and then press ENTER:

REG ADD HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer /v NoPreviousVersionsPage /t REG_DWORD /d 1
REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer /v NoPreviousVersionsPage /t REG_DWORD /d 1

(Source Technet Form answer by Mike Jacquet)

Related links and information
· Microsoft Technet article about End-User Recovery Considerations
· On about EUR when file server is down
· Matt Marlor about the power and risk of End User Recovery - DPM End User Recovery - Powerful but Dangerous?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Disaster Recovery with DPM 2010 and Veeam B&R

Creating a backup up is one thing, but being able to perform a good and reliable recovery is different story. There is only one way to be sure you can and that is.. test .. test .. test.
Most (backup) administrators perform a test restore on a regular basis, but what if your full environment is destroyed.
A disaster situation like this is much more complicated, there are always dependencies you did not though of before.

My CFIT Colleague Marcel van der Berg  performed a disaster recovery test. In his test case only the tapes were left to work with. In his blog-post things-to-consider-when-using-microsoft-dpm-and-veeam-backup-replication, he describes the dependencies he found during the DR test.


Good reading..